Published Papers

Viable Nash Equilibria: An Experiment (with Duk Gyoo Kim and John Wooders), Economic Theory (2024), available online

Screening for Experiments, Games and Economic Behavior 142 (2023), 73-100

Bayesian Persuasion under Partial Commitment, Economic Theory 72 (2021), 743-764

Working Papers

How Marketing and Pricing Strategies Interact (with Heechun Kim and Hakki Lee) (2024) [A Draft Coming Soon]

Endogenous Tracking: Sorting and Peer Effects (with Aleksei Chernulich and Romain Gauriot) (2022) [PDF]

Price Discrimination, Two-part Tariffs, and Hold-up (2020)

Work in Progress

Delegation and Cost Sharing in Contests (with Kyung Hwan Baik)